For some New York workers who suffer work-related injuries, there is the opportunity to receive cash benefits through workers’ compensation. It depends on the circumstances and the extent of the injuries. It is important for the worker making the workers’ compensation claim to understand the rules for being awarded cash benefits. Gathering the proper information will provide details as to who can receive the cash benefits and how much will be awarded.
For a worker who was injured on the job, there will be no cash benefits paid within the first seven days after which the disability occurred except in cases in which the disability goes beyond fourteen days. If that happens, the worker will be given benefits from the first day in which he or she is not able to work. There will be medical treatment given regardless of how long the disability lasts. If a claimant is completely disabled or partially disabled and cannot work for more than seven days, there will be cash benefits.
How much the worker receives is contingent on the weekly wages for the prior year. There is a formula that is used to determine how much is paid. Two-thirds of the amount paid is multiplied by the average amount earned per week. This is multiplied by the percentage of the disability to come to the amount that will be paid in cash per week. To make it simpler with an example, a worker who was making $400 each week and is completely disabled will be awarded $266.67 each week. For someone who is partially disabled — 50 percent — would get $133.34 each week.
There are maximum amounts that can be paid. The maximum per week from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, was $808.65. It rises every July 1st based on the formula. For those who are able to go back to work but cannot earn as much as they did previously, there could be a benefit to account for two-thirds of the difference in wages. For a person who has suffered work-related injuries and is moving forward in seeking workers’ compensation, it can be confusing to go through the process and receive the full benefits to which they are entitled. Speaking to a legal professional can help with a case and cash benefits.