We help New Yorkers hurt because of a property owner’s negligence

Every day New Yorkers walk on sidewalks, through businesses and in homes. Most of the time, these walks are safe and uneventful. But every once and awhile, something happens and the person trips down a flight of stairs or slips and falls. When these things lead to harm, New Yorkers may have legal options. We can help.

New Yorkers’ legal options grow out of the rule that property owners who invite the public to walk through their land or into their businesses have a duty to keep the premises safe. How safe will depend on the situation, especially the type of invitation involved.

Take a common example, a wet floor at a grocery store. A grocery store owner has a legal duty to take reasonable steps to keep customers safe while they are in the store. Because of that duty, if the owner becomes aware that the floor is wet, he needs to clean it up. If he does not, and the floor’s wetness causes a slip-and-fall accident, the owner is liable for whatever damage results from the fall.

We bring more than two decades of experience helping New Yorkers injured because of a property owner’s negligence. We are skilled investigators who know how to assemble strong cases for our clients. But don’t just take our word for it, look at the numbers. We have helped our clients recover more than $130 million over the years.

To learn more about we can help you, check out our website. One small step could be just what you need to receive the compensation you need and deserve.


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