Tram Thuy Nguyen, 37, Killed Due To Negligence of Turner Construction

A piece of plywood flew off a construction site and slammed into a woman, Tram Thuy Nguyen, as she was walking along West 12th Street in Manhattan, hurling her into a wall and killing her.

The city Buildings Department issued a stop-work order at the Greenwich Village construction site Wednesday after her death Tuesday night.

Police said the 37-year-old real estate broker suffered her fatal injury around 6 p.m. She was across the street when wind set loose a 4-foot-by-8-foot piece of a construction fence from a condominium development being built on the site of the former St. Vincent’s Hospital.

There is a legal obligation for the owners of property, where construction is being performed, to keep the site free of hazards and dangers.  This responsibility also applies to general contractors of a construction site.  The legal theory of Res Ipsa Loquitur applies, which means the injury could not have happened but for the negligence of another party.  Clearly, Tishman was negligent here, as they had a duty to ensure all construction materials were adequately fastened and secure.

The attorneys of Morgan Levine Dolan have been extremely successful in obtaining the highest results for our clients and their family members.  We have recovered millions of dollars in accidents similar to the one which killed Tram Thuy Nguyen.

If you or a loved one has been injured (or killed) due to the negligence of a general contractor of a construction site, contact Jared Levine of Morgan Levine Dolan today.


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