Enz’s of East Village Building Explosion

Another explosion in the City of New York occurred earlier today.  The blast happened at 125 2nd Avenue near East 7th Street.  This is the second explosion in so many years.  The attorneys of Morgan Levine Dolan recently filed a lawsuit against Con Edison and the City of New York for the Harlem building explosion of March 12, 2014.

Panicked neighbors tweeted photos showing smoke pouring from the building, which houses a boutique called Enz’s with apartments above.

The law firm of Morgan Levine Dolan handles many types of cases involving building collapses and explosions. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients injured as a result of the negligence of building owners and contractors.

A thorough, detailed investigation into the cause of these buildings collapsing must begin immediately so that crucial evidence is not destroyed. The City of New York and its agencies cannot be relied upon to perform these types of investigations. Many times it is determined that improper building permits were issued by the City and therefore liability is found against the Department of Buildings of the City of New York. Hiring the right lawyer to uncover negligent acts is the first important step.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a building collapse, contact Jared Levine of Morgan Levine Dolan today. 


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