Construction accident on bridge sends man to hospital

Construction work in New York is a thriving industry that provides jobs and a valuable service to the city. These workers take pride in their craft, work hard and face the risks of a somewhat dangerous job without complaint. Given the nature of the work, there is a constant possibility for construction injuries from large equipment, trucks or due to mishaps. When there are on-the-job injuries, it’s imperative that the worker who was hurt knows what to do after it happens so he or she won’t be left without any income and huge bills while the recovery takes place.

An recent incident on the Verrazano-Narrows bridge sent a 61-year-old worker to the hospital. The man, an inspector overseeing a construction project, was working in the early morning hours at approximately 2:45 a.m. when a truck carrying asphalt hit him. The truck was backing down a ramp when the accident occurred. The man was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, but doctors expect him to survive. The construction accident is being investigated.

People who work construction don’t often think about the dangers inherent with the job. There is always a risk of injury or death when working on construction sites with high altitudes, large equipment and other dangers lurking around every corner. When a worker is injured, there is the possibility of a long hospital stay and the accompanying medical costs. Rehabilitation might be necessary and there is the chance that the worker won’t be able to return to work at all. In extreme cases, the worker will need care 24 hours a day, placing a financial and personal strain on the family. It is in circumstances such as these that workers need to know how to pursue compensation for their lost wages after the construction injuries they suffered. Sometimes the only way to receive what they’re entitled to is through litigation.

In this case, the worker was surveying a construction project on a bridge when a truck backed into him. He was critically injured in the accident. Because of his injuries and the potential for long-term damage, it’s important that he and his family know about the legal issues that will surround the incident. For assistance, their first step should be to discuss the matter with a lawyer experienced in construction injuries as soon as possible.

Source: New York Daily News, “Construction worker hospitalized after being struck by truck on Verrazana-Narrows Bridge,” Rocco Parascandola and Thomas Tracy, Oct. 29, 2014


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