Getting behind the wheel while intoxicated is one of the most reckless decisions a person can make on the road. Intoxication greatly decreases a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. As such, the chances of causing a car accident are greatly increased. Understandably, victims and the families of victims of drunk drivers are often outraged when such accidents occur. Suffering injuries or the loss of a loved one as the result of a drunk driver’s actions is one of the most traumatic experiences a person can endure.
Recently, one woman was killed and six people were injured in a drunk driving-related motor vehicle accident in New York. The accident involved three vehicles. The first vehicle, operated by a 26-year-old woman, was traveling west on a road in New York. Reports say she failed to successfully negotiate a curve. As a result, her vehicle continued on a westerly path before colliding with another vehicle that was travelling north. A third vehicle travelling south also became involved in the accident.
As a result, a passenger in the vehicle that was traveling northbound was tragically killed. The driver of that vehicle was transported to the hospital with injuries that were not considered life threatening. The driver of the third vehicle was also treated for injuries. Two passengers in the suspected drunk driver’s vehicle were also injured. The alleged drunk driver faces charges of intoxication and second degree vehicular manslaughter.
Car accidents involving drunk drivers can be highly traumatic. Oftentimes, victims and their families want to hold the drunk driver accountable for their actions. By taking legal action, those that have suffered at the hands of a drunk driver may be able to obtain compensation to help alleviate some of the financial burden resulting from such an accident.
Source: Observer Review, “Dundee woman dies in three car accident,” July 18, 2014