Glenn Dolan Negotiates a $900,000 Settlement in Another Ceiling Fall Case

Glenn Dolan of Morgan Levine Dolan negotiated a $900,000 settlement for a 57-year-old Queens woman who injured her neck and back, when a portion of her kitchen ceiling collapsed, striking her nose. 

The landlord’s attorneys and medical experts argued that the woman, who denied neck and back pain on the date of accident, who sustained no fractures, who had negative CT scan readings, and who returned to work as a home health aid following the incident, had pre-existing, degenerative conditions that were not related to the ceiling collapse

The landlord’s attorneys and medical experts also argued that the tenant failed to mitigate her damages in refusing to undergo physical therapy as recommended.  Nonetheless, our office was able to negotiate this substantial settlement on her behalf.

The landlord’s attorneys and medical experts also argued that the tenant failed to mitigate her damages in refusing to undergo physical therapy as recommended.  Nonetheless, our office was able to negotiate this substantial settlement on her behalf.

We have been very successful in winning cases for our clients who have been injured in ceiling fall cases.  Just last year, Glenn Dolan won a verdict in the amount of 1.2 Million Dollars for a client who was injured in a ceiling fall case.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a ceiling fall accident, contact Glenn Dolan of Morgan Levine Dolan today.


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