A car accident can spawn many expenses that victims often do not anticipate. While many are thankful to have survived such accidents, they are also often surprised and shocked when they discover the many expenses that they are expected to shoulder.
For example, when a victim is transported to a hospital by an ambulance, they are often expected to cover the transportation costs. When they are transported via medical helicopter, these costs can be even higher. Thankfully, when there was a driver suspected of negligence involved in the crash, victims may be able to pursue compensation to help with these expenses.
A recent accident occurred on a street in New York that had some serious consequences. Three people were sent to the hospital after the cars crashed on a Thursday afternoon. The three reportedly suffered serious injuries in the crash. According to police, they were transported via ambulance to a nearby medical center. Police are investigating the cause of the crash. They were reconstructing the scene of the accident in the hopes of discovering a cause.
When it is revealed that the cause of car accidents was another driver’s negligence, victims have rights. Drivers are expected to exercise the amount of caution necessary to prevent an accident from occurring. When they fail to do so, they have committed actions that could be considered negligent.
Proving another driver’s negligence often demands a strong and aggressive legal strategy. Backed by legal experience and expertise, it is sometimes possible to successfully prove another driver’s negligence and pursue compensation from the driver who was at fault. Doing so can help alleviate the many financial burdens placed on victims and their families.
Source: Daily Mail, “Two-car crash sends three to hospital,” Kyle Adams, May 8, 2014