New York car accident injures 35 people

A massive pileup of cars on the Bronx River Parkway injured 35 people on the evening of Dec. 8. The icy rain and snow are to blame for dangerous driving conditions and are likely the cause of the massive vehicle pileup on the parkway. The Westchester County Police Department said that most of the drivers involved were traveling at low speeds, but a slight downhill grade could have contributed to the crashes.

The pileup is one in a series of traffic accidents that have damaged hundreds of vehicles across the country, as well as left families stranded out in the cold. One driver died and dozens were stranded for seven hours on the Pennsylvania Turnpike due to a 50-vehicle pileup. Reports say that the driver who died was outside of his vehicle when he was hit by another vehicle.

In Maryland on Dec. 8, a 20-vehicle crash on Interstate 81 blocked traffic and delayed efforts to remove snow from the road. The accident involved at least two tractor-trailers, and the interstate was closed for more than three hours. Drivers trying to avoid the crash reportedly were running off the road.

In West Texas on Dec. 7, a fatal multi-vehicle pileup on Interstate 10 claimed at least one life. The ordeal left dozens of travelers stranded in their cars for more than 26 hours. According to one traveler, a woman was helping feed some of the people who were trapped. She was heating up her own food in a microwave in her truck and passing out what she could, the traveler added.

Individuals who suffer personal injuries in a car accident have the right to file a claim for compensation so that they may be able to properly recover from those injuries. A car accident attorney may be able to help an individual secure recompense for loss of earnings and medical bills as a result of personal injuries caused by a crash.

Source: ABC, “New York Car Pile-Up Latest in Series of Icy Crashes“, Liz Fields, December 09, 2013


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