Cheikh Mbaye Fatally Struck By Two Vehicles near Little Italy section of Canal Street by Greene Street

A 23 year-old man was struck and killed by two vehicles near the Little Italy section of Canal Street on Friday afternoon.

Police responding to a 911 call at 2:32 p.m. found the man, identified as Cheikh Mbaye, 23, of Morningside Heights, lying in the roadway near Greene Street unresponsive.

Mbaye was rushed to Presbyterian Hospital but pronounced dead on arrival.

Mbaye had been trying to cross Canal mid-block from the south to the north side, and was struck by a westbound Ford Econoline van, which threw him into the path of an oncoming tractor trailer, headed in the same direction in the center lane.

Even though someone is not crossing within the crosswalk, a vehicle traveling mid block must still try to avoid striking a pedestrian.  Many vehicles travel above the speed limit in the area of Canal Street.  It is very important for the family of Cheikh Mbaye to contact an attorney as soon as possible.

If a loved one has been killed in a car accident, please contact Jared Levine of Morgan Levine Dolan today.


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