Skateboarder Genielle Laboriel hit, killed by school bus on Melrose Avenue

Police say 21-year-old Genielle Laboriel was skateboarding in a bike lane along Melrose Avenue when the bus went to make a right turn and pinned her under its wheels at 160th Street.

The police are still investigating this accident, however criminal charges are not likely given the failure of police to charge drivers with any crimes when they strike and kill innocent people.

The attorneys at our office are currently handling many cases where pedestrians are struck and killed by motor vehicles.  We try to help make changes to the law where the only recovery for family members is through civil lawsuits.  We have numerous lawsuits pending in New York City Courts for accidents very similar to young Genielle’s case.  We have recovered millions of dollars for innocent victims.

If your loved one has been struck and killed in an accident, contact Jared Levine of Morgan Levine Dolan today.


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