One dead and four injured in multi-vehicle crash

One person was killed and four others were taken to the hospital following a multi-car crash in New York. The car accident happened just before 10 p.m. along Route 22 near Hebron and involved a total of four cars. An investigation by the New York State Police, Granville Police Department and Washington County Sheriff’s Department is ongoing. Preliminary reports have revealed that alcohol was not a factor in the car accident.

The multi-car accident began when a driver traveling southbound crossed the median. The vehicle then struck the car driven by a 43-year-old North Adams woman traveling in the northbound lane. She was pronounced dead at the scene. Following the fatal head-on collision, a third driver stopped to assist with the crash. As he was standing at the previously southbound vehicle, a fourth vehicle approached from the south and smashed into it. The impact of that crash caused the vehicle to hit the man.

Shortly after the accident, police, firefighters and various medical personnel arrived. The passenger who had been traveling with the deceased woman was taken to a nearby hospital by helicopter. Ambulances carried the driver of the third vehicle to the hospital. An 87-year-old driver and her passenger in the fourth car were treated and released at the scene. Details about the extent of the injuries have not yet been released.

Although alcohol does not appear to have been a factor in the car accident, reckless driving may have been. Survivors of the crash as well as the family of the deceased woman may choose to file a personal injury or a wrongful death lawsuit. Money to cover medical expenses and lost wages can both be sought in a personal injury lawsuit.

Source: Bennington Banner, “North Adams woman killed in multi-car crash in NY“, July 23, 2013


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