New York City residents, like others living elsewhere, often wave goodbye to family members as they get into their vehicles to drive to their destination. They expect that they will make it back home without any problems. However, a car accident can cause serious injuries, turning an uneventful day into a chaotic one.
Recently, three vehicles were involved in an accident on the Long Island Expressway in Queens. The accident happened around 1:30 p.m. on the Easter holiday. Eight people in total suffered injuries in the crash. Only six sought medical treatment. Four people were believed to be in fair-to-serious-condition.
It is not clear what led to the crash. However, car accidents are frequently caused by speeding and inattentive drivers. Speeding has been a particularly big problem in New York City. Last week, we reported to readers of this blog that traffic fatalities due to speeding increased 65 percent last year.
Negligent drivers should be held accountable for their reckless behavior. Police may hold people responsible through criminal charges. However, victims can also hold negligent drivers responsible through civil lawsuits. Compensation that is awarded through a lawsuit can be used to cover medical expenses and lost wages. It can also be used to make up for the pain and suffering accident victims often must endure.
People use their vehicles to get around the city. They should be able to get to their destinations safely. Drivers in New York City and beyond must remember that negligent driving can cause serious accidents.
Source: CBS New York, “8 Injured In 3-Car Crash On L.I.E. In Queens,” March 31, 2013