Negligent driving often has tragic results

People in New York City and others living elsewhere should use caution whenever they are driving. In addition to remaining attentive at all times, drivers need to be sure they are driving the speed limit. As always, people need to avoid drugs and alcohol before they get behind the wheel.

Officials in New York say that fatal car accidents along Long Island’s Southern State Parkway are often caused by speeding and driver impairment. Residents say the twists and turns along the road make it particularly dangerous.

“It’s always turns. If you’re not paying attention, boom, you fly right off the road,” one resident said.

Between 2007 and 2011, 34 people were killed in accidents along the Southern State Parkway. Two people were killed in an accident along that stretch of road in recent days.

Although officials are looking to make improvements to the road, people need to remember to use caution. When drivers take their eyes off the road for a split second, terrible tragedies can occur.

People who are involved in serious accidents in New York City and beyond may suffer debilitating injuries. Some of those injuries may even lead to death.

When another driver’s negligence leads to injuries, victims have legal recourse. They may wish to file a personal injury lawsuit. In the most tragic instances, surviving family members may pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.

In either case, working with an experienced attorney is often a wise decision. An attorney will work hard to get people the compensation they need and deserve.

Source: CBS New York, “Speeding, Driver Impairment Blamed For Most Fatal Southern State Crashes,” Jan. 30, 2013


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