6 Year Old Boy Killed While Crossing Street

A 6-year-old boy was struck and killed by a truck only one block from his school in East Harlem this morning.  The crossing guard who was on duty at the time was taking a break, according to a law enforcement official.

The young boy was walking to school with his 9-year-old brother and was crossing First Avenue before 8 a.m. when a truck turned right from 117th Street striking and killing him.

Since this was during the morning rush hour at the same time young children are walking to school, a crossing guard was assigned to make sure accidents like this don’t happen.  However, the crossing guard was on a break when the small child tried to cross the street and now he is dead.

School crossing guards are employed by the New York City Police Department.  While the driver of the truck will be held partially responsible for this killing, an investigation into the internal procedures and protocals within the NYPD will be necessary to determine if the accident could have been avoided had the crossing guard been doing their job.

Morgan Levine currently has dozens of cases pending against the NYPD and other corporations for pedestrian accidents.  Many of our cases involve young children who are seriously injured in these types of accidents.  We thoroughly investigate all of these types of accidents and hire accident reconstruction experts to create models and videos re-enacting accidents. 

If you or your child has been injured in an accident with a car, truck or bicycle, contact our office today and ask for Jared Levine.


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